Verbrauch Alltag Strecke 2

Hin: Fahrweise normal: 7,7l
Zurück: Fahrweise ungewollt recht sparsam-normal (Verkehr): 6,5l (sehr überraschend, GT stand ganzen Tag bei 30 Grad in der Sonne!)

Hin: Teilstück aus I30N (Heckausbruch) Video sportlich:
Test drive Hyundai i30 N - OVERSTEER due to wrong custom setup?

Test drive Hyundai i30 N - OVERSTEER due to wrong custom setup?

All in all I liked the car. Why it oversteered I only can guess. I know no pothole in this corner and with other cars I have not realised anything similar. But the sound is a hint for at least a bump which the car did...
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